2023 Officers and Directors
President - Andrew Lipman
Vice President - Herb Wright
Secretary - Jennifer Lopez
Treasurer - Linda Martinez
Vice President - Herb Wright
Secretary - Jennifer Lopez
Treasurer - Linda Martinez
Membership - Julia Vertrees
Open Space - Paul Yarrington
Publications - Brigid Conklin
Public Relations and Real Estate - James DeMay
Security Director - Troy Hill
Webmaster - Howard Kimberly
Education and Youth Affairs - Jerry Gallegos
Government Affairs - open
Member-At-Large - Lisa "Rusty" Goetz
Open Space - Paul Yarrington
Publications - Brigid Conklin
Public Relations and Real Estate - James DeMay
Security Director - Troy Hill
Webmaster - Howard Kimberly
Education and Youth Affairs - Jerry Gallegos
Government Affairs - open
Member-At-Large - Lisa "Rusty" Goetz
Directors (prior to 7/22/23 update)
Membership - Julia Vertrees
Open Space - Paul Yarrington
Publications - Brigid Conklin
Public Relations and Real Estate - James DeMay
Security Director - Troy Hill
Webmaster - Howard Kimberly
Education and Youth Affairs - Jerry Gallegos
Government Affairs - William Jones
Member-At-Large - Lisa "Rusty" Goetz
Open Space - Paul Yarrington
Publications - Brigid Conklin
Public Relations and Real Estate - James DeMay
Security Director - Troy Hill
Webmaster - Howard Kimberly
Education and Youth Affairs - Jerry Gallegos
Government Affairs - William Jones
Member-At-Large - Lisa "Rusty" Goetz
Past Events
Jan 14, 2023 Annual Member Meeting at the Canyon Club
Breakfast at 9am for FHVA members - RSVP required
Meeting at 10am - open to all FHV residents
June 27, 2023 6:30pm - Special FHVA Board Meeting to discuss Revised Bylaws
August 1, 2023 - National Night Out
September 30, 2023 - Fall Cleanup
FHVA 6th Annual Holiday Light Contest
The Four Hills Village Association (FHVA.org) is pleased to announce the winners of the 6th Annual Holiday Light Contest.
Congratulations to the top three homes for 2023:
614 Navarra Way
1412 Catron Ave
1419 Catron Ave
Winners will receive a gift card from FHVA. And a huge thanks to everyone who has made this season a little brighter.
Congratulations to the top three homes for 2023:
614 Navarra Way
1412 Catron Ave
1419 Catron Ave
Winners will receive a gift card from FHVA. And a huge thanks to everyone who has made this season a little brighter.
Free Neighborhood Shredding Event
Saturday, October 7, 2023
Time: 9am-11am
Location: 802 Martingale Lane
Time: 9am-11am
Location: 802 Martingale Lane
Four Hills Village Association is hosting a free paper shredding event on Saturday, October 7, 2023. The mobile shredding company will have its equipment available at 802 Martingale Ln from 9-11AM that day. You can watch your papers be shredded. Regular staples need not be removed, but no binders, paper clips, or plastics can be processed in the shredder.
The Four Hills Village Association (FHVA) sponsored a shredding event on Saturday, October 7, from 9-11AM, and over three dozen residents from the neighborhood took advantage of the opportunity to see their paper materials shredded on site. We were very pleased with the service from the mobile shredding company and with the level of participation from the community. Special thanks to Rusty Goetz for providing the driveway space for us to do this, and to Ann Harris Davidson for her support at the event. Photos from the morning activities are attached below. If you are not already a member, please consider joining FHVA and helping us support events such as this for our neighborhood.
The Four Hills Village Association (FHVA) sponsored a shredding event on Saturday, October 7, from 9-11AM, and over three dozen residents from the neighborhood took advantage of the opportunity to see their paper materials shredded on site. We were very pleased with the service from the mobile shredding company and with the level of participation from the community. Special thanks to Rusty Goetz for providing the driveway space for us to do this, and to Ann Harris Davidson for her support at the event. Photos from the morning activities are attached below. If you are not already a member, please consider joining FHVA and helping us support events such as this for our neighborhood.
Fall Cleanup
Thank You... to the FHVA Fall Cleanup crew!
A group of good neighbors participated on Saturday, 09/30/23, in the FHVA cleanup effort of public spaces, as part of the CABQ "Company's Coming Cleanup" campaign. The group cleaned Barsis Park, grounds in the vicinity of the FHV neighborhood sign at the Y-intersection and along the shoulders from Winterwood Way to the bridge on 4-Hills Road. The FHVA group removed trash, weeds and debris from those areas, sufficient to fill 8-10 large trash bags. On behalf of the FHVA, and the FHV community generally, I want to thank Rusty Goetz, Ann Harris Davidson, Paul and Ellen Powell and Carlton Canaday, who joined me in this cleanup effort.
Paul Yarrington
Director, FHVA Parks and Open Spaces
Stuff archived after the 2023 Bylaws update
Revised ByLaws: What has changed, and why?
The September 2020 issue of The Chronicle was dedicated to a revision that your FHVA Board has been working for some time, and has now been accepted by the Board - but that just means it now must be voted in by the General Membership to be fully accepted! The ByLaws Subcommittee has prepared a side-by-side chart which explains the changes made, and why. Click here for the chart, in PDF format. Click here for the revised ByLaws, approved by the members as of 5 October 2020.
ByLaws and Standing Rules
Note: Two documents define the Four Hills Village Association: The ByLaws, which are approved by the General Membership, and the Standing Rules, which are approved by the Board. As of 15 March 2022, the Standing Rules have been revised and approved by the Board, and are available here is PDF format.
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Time: 9am-Noon
Location: see below
Time: 9am-Noon
Location: see below
Four Hills Village Association will be participating in the city-wide “Company’s Coming” fall cleanup campaign. Our cleanup event will be on Saturday, September 30, from 9 AM until noon. As before, we will organize into two groups, one meeting at Barsis Park and one at the corner of Four Hills Road and Winterwood Way. Please join us at either location to help keep our public places looking nice. The city provides trash bags and gloves prior to the event, so those will be available at both locations.
Four Hills Village Spring Cleanup on
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Here’s a big shoutout to the FHV Spring Cleanup volunteers. Our band of 11 stalwart workers braved cool temperatures and strong winds from 8:00 to 10:30 Saturday morning to clean and weed the Four Hills Park and along both sides of Four Hills Road from Pinon Creek Rd, north of the Tijeras Canyon bridge, to the Canyon Club “Y” to the south. Please thank Paul Yarrington, Jerry and Merrill Gallegos, Andrew and Ellen Lipman, Shirley Case, Paul Feist, Lee LaBrier, Gary Peters, and Carlton Canaday. Also please recognize the City and Waste Management for organizing a city-wide Earth Day cleanup, providing supplies, and sending out staff and trucks on Saturday morning to pick up the filled trash bags. Also please recognize the Four Hills Village Association for organizing the FHV cleanup.
Road Warrior Award for Rusty Goetz
At the January 2023 Annual General Membership Meeting, Jennifer Lopez presented Rusty Goetz (who was not able to attend) with the Road Warrior Award in honor of her countless hours of walking the neighborhood while analyzing every inch of roadway in Four Hills Village. Rusty, a retired geologist, donated her expertise, energy, and time for the betterment of our community. Not only did she make note of literally every 1/4” of the roadway and its faults, but then produced a professional grade coded map (see above) and scientific report to disburse to local elected leaders. She hosted them at her home to explain in layman’s terms exactly what FHV needs in regards to roads and why. If FHV is awarded funds for road repairs, it will be because of Rusty!
Singing Arrow Community Center
Multicultural Arts Festival
May 6, 2023
Four Hills Village Spring Cleanup on
Saturday, April 22, 2023, 8am - Noon
Saturday, April 22, 2023, 8am - Noon
Four Hills Village residents and neighbors, Come celebrate Earth Day 2023 with this coming Saturday (4/22) 8:00 to noon cleanup of public spaces around our neighborhood. Once again, we are participating with the city-wide spring cleanup. We will meet at the Four Hills Rd/Winterwood Way intersection to clean along Four Hills Rd. from the Tijeras Canyon bridge up to the Stagecoach Rd. “Y.” We will also meet at the Baris-Four Hills Park on Running Water and Stagecoach Rd. for a cleanup of the park and its entrances. A FHVA board member will be at each location with some tools, water, and trash bags. Waste Management trucks will pick up our filled trash bags at noon.
Please dress appropriately for the weather and the job (mostly light work), including a hat, work gloves, and closed toe shoes. If possible, bring tools for trimming and raking. It’s always a fun time, a great opportunity to meet your neighbors, and an opportunity to make the Earth a little better. See you there!
Questions: [email protected]
Please dress appropriately for the weather and the job (mostly light work), including a hat, work gloves, and closed toe shoes. If possible, bring tools for trimming and raking. It’s always a fun time, a great opportunity to meet your neighbors, and an opportunity to make the Earth a little better. See you there!
Questions: [email protected]
Kirtland AFB Prescribed Burn
The prescribed burn on Kirtland AFB scheduled for February 11-12, 2023 has been canceled.
The FHVA Board of Directors has been working with Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque Fire & Rescue, and City Council member Renee Grout's office since Friday (1/27/23) to raise issues and assemble information to disseminate to FHVA members and FHV residents. Based on our, and others, questions, the proposed controlled burn has been cancelled until Fall of 2023 at the earliest. We will continue to work with these offices on future activities, and will update you as soon as there is more information.
The FHVA Board of Directors has been working with Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque Fire & Rescue, and City Council member Renee Grout's office since Friday (1/27/23) to raise issues and assemble information to disseminate to FHVA members and FHV residents. Based on our, and others, questions, the proposed controlled burn has been cancelled until Fall of 2023 at the earliest. We will continue to work with these offices on future activities, and will update you as soon as there is more information.
Singing Arrow Community Center
Singing Arrow Community Center
Classes and Events
updated 1 March 2024